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Henk van Oort


Henk van Oort, born in 1943, trained as a primary teacher before earning a Masters degree in English at the Amsterdam University. He has taught for forty years in primary and secondary education, including class teaching in a Waldorf school, teaching English, and leading educational courses and seminars for teachers and parents. His interest in literature and poetry has led to his appearance at storytelling and poetry seminars, and his introductory courses to Anthroposophy have been highly successful. Based in Bergen N.H. in the Netherlands, Henk van Oort is married and the father of three.

Author's photo

Author's Books

Your Spiritual Journey

A Travel Guide: Anthroposophical Aspects of Changing Human Consciousness


The Inner Rainbow

An Illustrated History of Human Consciousness from Ancient India to the Present Day


Anthroposophy A-Z

A Glossary of Terms Relating to Rudolf Steiner’s Spiritual Philosophy



A Concise Introduction to Rudolf Steiner’s Spiritual Philosophy
