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Bernard Heldt


Bernard Heldt is Vice-president at ECCE, European Co-operation in anthroposophical Curative Education and Social Therapy, and eeveloping the Surinam Vocational training course 'Centrale Opleiding Agogisch Werk' (COAW) at the Vereniging van Particuliere en Sociale Instellingen (VPSI) in Paramaribo (SR)1998 - 2006. He is also supporting the development of the vocational training course 'Formacion de Pedagogía Curativa' in Buenos Aires, as well as various vocational training courses in the field of handicap care in the Netherlands, among other endeavors. He is a board member (president, treasurer or secretary of (national) church communities, developmental aid foundations (one special for Surinam), health care associations, institutes.

Author's Books

Good Care

Ethics and Methodology: An Anthroposophical Approach to Child and Youth Psychiatry and Care of Persons with Developmental Disabilities
