Georg Unger, PhD
Georg Unger, PhD (1909–1999), was born in Stuttgart and was a student at the
first Waldorf school when it opened in Stuttgart in 1919. He finished his doctorate in Zurich with extensive studies in mathematics, physics, and philosophy. In 1955, he became a visiting fellow at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts, for studies in cybernetics with Norbert Wiener. As a visiting guest at the Institute for Advanced Studies at Princeton Univesity, he met J. Robert Oppenheimer and, later, John von Neumann in Washington, for scientific philosophical discussions. Dr. Unger later became the head of the Department of Mathematics and Astronomy at the Goetheanum in Dornach. His publications range from the epistemological foundations of mathematics and physics to symptomatic discussions of developments in the field of science.
Author's Books
Basic Concepts of Modern Physics Edition 2 Revised
Quanta, Particles, Relativity
Introduction by Georg Unger, PhD
Edited by Gerald F. Karnow and Gladys Hahn
Translated by Mark Gardner and Walter Stuber