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Paul King

Author's Books

Mystery of the Christ

Aspects of Christology in the Work of Rudolf Steiner

Rudolf Steiner
Introduction by Paul King
Translated by Paul King
The Collected Works of Rudolf Steiner Series 92

The Occult Truths of Myths and Legends

Greek and Germanic Mythology: Richard Wagner in the Light of Spiritual Science (CW 92)

Rudolf Steiner
Introduction by Paul King
Translated by Paul King

The Future of Ahriman and the Awakening of Souls

The Spirit-presence of the Mystery Dramas

Peter Selg
Translated by Paul King

Are There People Without a Self?

On the Mystery of the Ego and the Appearance in the Present Day of Egoless Individuals

The Collected Works of Rudolf Steiner Series 119

Macrocosm and Microcosm

The Greater and the Lesser World: Questions Concerning the Soul, Life and the Spirit (CW 119)

Rudolf Steiner
Introduction by Paul King
Translated by Paul King
Rudolf Steiner
Introduction by Paul King
Revised by Paul King
Translated by Harry Collison and A. H. Parker


Remembering and Forgetting

Rudolf Steiner
Introduction by Andreas Neider
Edited by Andreas Neider
Translated by Johanna Collis and Paul King

Symphonies of Creation

The Primal Elementary Kingdoms in the Work of Rudolf Steiner



Depression, Anxiety Disorders, Panic, and Fear: Threshold Experiences, Crises of the Soul, and Healing on the Anthroposophical Path

Rudolf Steiner
Introduction by Harald Haas
Compiled by Harald Haas
Translated by Paul King
Iwer Thor Lorenzen
Foreword by Heidi Herrmann
Introduction by Paul King
Translated by Paul King
The World of the Ethers Series 2

The Etheric

Broadening Science through Anthroposophy

Ernst Marti
Contributions by Irmgard Rossman
Translated by Paul King
Iwer Thor Lorenzen
Foreword by Gareth John
Translated by Paul King
The World of Formative Forces Series 1

The Etheric

Broadening Science through Anthroposophy

Ernst Marti
Foreword by Irmgard Rossman
Contributions by Irmgard Rossman
Translated by Paul King
The Collected Works of Rudolf Steiner Series 212

Life of the Human Soul

And its Relation to World Evolution (CW 212)

Rudolf Steiner
Introduction by Matthew Barton and Paul King
Translated by Matthew Barton